client resources

JET Support

JET can provide support for you when you start a work placement or paid work - this is called in-work support, or job retention. 

Below is more information about the different types of support that JET can provide:

In-work support

The in-work support JET provides depends entirely on your own situation and will be different for every client, we will be guided by what you feel is most appropriate at the time. 

In-work support can range from your Employment Coordinator dropping in to your workplace every few weeks to see you and check everything is going OK, to more hands-on support with certain tasks and skills that you may need to focus on and develop.  We are also here to help you talk to your employers about any questions or concerns you have, or help support you with any issues that arise at work.

Ongoing support

We respect that some clients may not want their Employment Coordinator visiting their workplace, in which case we can arrange to meet you at lunch time or chat to you over the phone instead.  

Workplace equipment and adaptations

We also work with clients and employers to help ensure you have a comfortable work environment.  We may be able to arrange a work space assessment to determine any additional equipment or adaptations you may need to help you do your job and can help negotiate these with your employer. 

Customer and Local Services offers an 'Access to Work Grant' to people in employment who may need specific aids or equipment to help them start work, return to work or remain in work, which we can help you to apply for.  More information about this can be found below and your Employment Coordinator can help you complete this online form.   

Access to Work Grant

If you want to find out more about the support your Employment Coordinator can provide, then please contact them directly. 

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